The first Horcrux was developed shortly after the 30% of angels’ expulsion from Heaven. Kurs developed the Horcrux using the souls of 23 death angels. They removed the intelligence of these death angels and put the remaining 73% of their souls into a complex conglomeration with the ability to hold and embed a harmful thoughtform. Some of these thoughtforms are the many things we see in our devices’ documents.
Complex cursing: Cursing involves words – for example, an incantation. Spoken words are an example of a curse. The words used in an incantation generate thoughtforms. The Horcrux formed against God’s creation holds the thoughtform in place and gives it legs, so to speak.
It appears all of humanity, in some way, is affected by the first Horcrux. I have been directed to restore the death angels in nine weeks. I may, this week, be able to incapacitate the operations of the first and very nefarious Horcrux.
When I saw that angels had been used, I drew a connection to the humans used as interference – a category we identified a few years ago. It appears these manipulations of our God-created selves are one of the ways evil, alien races that sought to harm us approached destroying our purity.
In many ways, the Horcrux turned us into slaves; we were no longer free agents. We will undo this, and I thank God for showing me so it can be addressed.