As I learn about the breast milk culture, I am saddened to hear of the twists and turns away from what God had meant for our mothers and children. 

The new breast milk culture is enthusiastic in believing the properties of breastmilk are both best for brain development and strengthening immunity. With this, new moms have taken to hooking a breast pump to their breast, pumping 4 times a day and feeding the baby from a bottle, supplementing with a high-grade formula for the deficit. 

Since this is not relational, the breast milk may eventually go down, and the supply dries up, or the mom feels they have sacrificed their time and breasts long enough at 4-6 months and stopped pumping. The big theme is to convince the mom with this movement. 

It’s a break from traditional family values and mechanizes the fine art of breastfeeding. 

Why did God create the female body with breasts that were filled with milk upon giving birth?

Touch, eye contact and eye gazing, affection, love. The outpouring of love, right next to the heart, the baby rests in the arms of the mother and receives her love. 

I have to wonder if this strange turn of events with the mechanism of breastfeeding was pumped into a bottle ……will it ultimately prove actually to have lowered the immunity and brain-developing gift of the God-intended way of breastfeeding? Time will tell.