Humans are now “hackable animals’ ‘ According to Jewish Dr. Yuval Noah Harari and advisor to Klaus Schwab. A speech that has now become quite infamous was given at the WEF World Economic Forum. In this talk, he said humans no longer possess free will and are set to be reengineered by Bill Gates.  He states we are no longer mysterious souls, we are now hackable animals. Here is the Video Clip.

So what is the meaning behind his statement that we are no longer mysterious souls? Why would he call us animals? Hackable animals? What has changed to make this scientist believe we are no longer precious, created in the image of God and sovereign? 

You will notice that every single class I am presenting this year is about moving back into a God-aligned life, based on the purity and truth of our creation. Are we hackable? Perhaps in ways, even the Charles Swab Groupies have not imagined. 

We are on a very deliberate path of removing that which makes us hackable. As much as possible we are avoiding the insertion of harmful hackable elements into our system, and where it is somehow still making it into our system we have tools to remove/disappear these items with malefic intent. 

There is a huge increase in AI being used in the body and even in the energetic self. Here is the evidence of that, which I put in fine print as in normal font size it runs 3 pages long!

I think the scare tactic is that we do not have a choice. We are made to believe we have lost our humanity and our blessedness. WEF says we are now just animals to be rounded up, controlled, used for various experiments, and for the harvesting energy our body produces. 

As you listen to all the experts, they say, this issue cannot be fixed, cannot be changed, nothing can stop this. 

But I am here to say, we are created in the image and likeness of God. He delights in us and all our efforts. He helps us with our quest to return to the beautiful radiant beings of light who he created us to be. Every alteration made to us, every single one of them, can be undone. 

I was so pleased with the result I had after the 2nd conscious sleep/dreams removal class. Presence, which God had created as an aspect of spirit, not separate, had been severed from the spirit and has acted as a free agent for 9000 years. Done by Reptoid, what would happen was in the sleep/rest time, the time of regeneration, our spirit would go off in one direction while our presence stayed with the dreaming. Presence holds our awareness, thus we might have memories of the dream, but not of what our spirit activity was. We would not be able to fully do our God-assigned spirit purpose without awareness/presence. Last night I rested in a dreamless sleep. This is a result of reattaching the presence of spirit in our training. I believe this is a huge step toward spiritual sovereignty and a return to the divinity we were created in. 

We have discovered so much: DNA, mRNA, and GNA are all tools to hold impurities, controls, and nano, AI. Chakras were sold to us as tools of enlightenment, but they were tools for harvesting our energies.  Puranic breath shortens our life, interferes with the relationship of spirit in body, and overwrites the beautiful breath of life. 

Lies and deception are behind the path of many humans, who are now hackable and reverting to an animal state. 

You do not get smarter by putting computer chips in your brain, that is not you, you get further away from your God-created blessing with every lie. Organic intelligence uses a huge amount of brain matter that is not yet in use. 

Where do we go from here? Forward. From those in the Mastery and Forever programs where they are actively removing these issues, clearing AI and nefarious conditions, we are seeing consistently higher frequency numbers 600-1500 routinely where the average human frequency is at 190. Most humans started at 3000-5000 frequency and we were meant to expand and mature into higher levels of energy, wisdom, and spiritual gifts. We are on a path first of restoration and then a path to higher and higher states of awareness and God’s connection. 

You have to ask yourself who do you want to be? Do you want to be transhuman, controlled and manipulated by forces outside yourself? Because that is what the WEF wants of you. They would want you to comply and do as you are told, wear masks, get your 4th booster, take the Pitzer oral medication for C19, and look the other way with the smart dust and toxins additives in food and guzzle the sodas and junk food. Believe the misinformation feed coming out of the media and be a sheep not to God but to any leader who uses charm and enchantment to take you on his journey. 

For me, I say No. I do not comply, I do not agree. If there is something inserted into my body unknowingly I will remove it. We are radiant beings of light with miraculous systems. Remember that. We must intend and take action to be awake and aware. We must ask in prayer, God to show us our blind spots and move forward with one goal in mind, to be who God and God only created me to be and to learn, grow and evolve as was intended for us from the beginning.