In the Ignite Mastery Program this week we were exploring the actual meaning of right permission and ability in our clearing statement on the master chart.  Of these 3 the one that is from God is Right. 

Think of right as God-given. It is the strength/truth of who you are. You in your pure form, as God created you have all rights, liberty, and freedom. The experience of ‘Right’ is delivered through your Higher Self. 

When there is a problem with Right. 

Done by Reptoid 22,000 years ago, spirit stealing, soul-stealing taking away the part of you that is firmly knowing/experiencing your right. Not only was it taken, but it was also incinerated so under normal circumstances an individual could never replace what had been lost to them as there was nothing left. This of course is not true in our classes, where very specific help and gifts allow for things otherwise impossible to happen. 

A beautiful Affirmation for strengthening Right

I am a child of God created in his image, whole, perfect and complete. I am powerful beyond measure. 

What was a bit of a shock, not only had humans lost right but angels right alongside lost rights. This explains why they needed a schedule to return to heaven for God’s blessings after rescue transformation or reconstitution. We had 8000 angels receive this Rights activation and will wrap up this activation in our next mastery program next week. 

What was so lovely was to see this was a help to our incredible archangels Rafael and Gabriel said it felt wonderful and our dear Lord Jesus also benefited from this and gave His warm appreciation. Most folks in the body if they haven’t been in our academy are set low around 4% whereas our regular students have a much higher, like 50% right.

To accomplish restoring right means getting Highself and soul aspect back.​​ The timing on this feels perfect- I realized I was missing parts of high self about 5 days ago, but I couldn’t make much progress in it. Feeling overwhelming gratitude. So great to be getting a high self back!  ~Sherri 

While I was doing this work we had many students report how it felt to bring right back with a restoration of the missing part of high self and soul.

  • Happy and light. ~Edith
  • More present with more attention ~Erik
  • Uplifted. ~Laurel
  • Like I’m in a different dimension ~Zuzana
  • I’m getting my curiosity back ~Anita R
  • Light above and in front of my head ~Connie
  • Lightness and stronger connection with God,  a lot of hope. ~Ilme
  • My head suddenly feels very light now, like a veil being pulled down, such a relief. ~Silvia
  • Relief and release ~Solissa

Our mastery program is a great place to get these very specific activations. Learn more