I have learned so much this week about what is happening in the time we sleep, it is quite shocking, and correctable.

1. Presence, which we have placed in the category of Essence, was created as part of the spirit. This aspect was severed 9000 years ago by Reptilian. There are two significant problems that come with this circumstance: a. when you dream presence (which is conscious awareness) goes off to be entertained into a dream state, while the spirit is severed and does not accomplish much of its purpose with presence missing. b. The other issue is huge as well, other presences getting in your space attempting to dominate and control you, or you doing that to another. Bad news in both cases.

In our class this morning we will work to Securely bond presence with spirit, restoring awareness to spirit while the body sleeps, enabling fulfillment of purpose. And rejoin Presence to Spirit with no split, tear, or scar.

What I have figured out is there is scarring where the severing of presence away from spirit took place. SO something we didn’t know spirit can scar.

2. We were not created to dream, yet there is an entire science built around dreaming. The state of Dreaming is a realm. It is controlled and directed not by your subconscious influenced significantly by the aliens: phantom, synthetic, and Reptoid.

You have to wonder why there was so much trouble for the 6-10 hours we sleep from these races? All the harvesting of energy from the body is done while the body is sleeping. So keeping us entertained and unaware leaves us vulnerable to being treated like livestock.

It is my intention today to remove the dream realm from our sleep experience and restate ownership, authority,  influence, awareness, and deep rest while the body sleeps.

With this clearing we will reset our bodies to be able to awaken fully refreshed, strongly revitalized, restoring autonomic breath, nourishment, and cell revitalization at 100% of my God-created abilities and enjoyment.

With the Dreams Realm Gone, Spirit is never unconscious, we will neutralize the entitlement of these nefarious beings to temporarily steal our presence, to lull and deceive, misinformed and tricked us.

The nature of this challenge the Dream Realm Created by aliens is generating is harmful delusion suppressing parasitical controlling damaging disgusting observing altering charmed into a trickery of the worst kind.