From class this week I began to discern what I had heard needed to be seen as I awoke earlier in the morning. Here is what I was able to cull out with the initial look at the Q wave. 

Q wave looks a bit like a snake and is currently being projected onto us from 3 alien races.  Those being, Arachnoid, Humanoid-Greys and Reptilians. 

The wave produces terror anxiety depression even suicidal ideations through a form of mind control. There is a feeling this was created to more fully enslave embodied humans. Directed at African, Asian and Hispanics 98% Caucasians 96% Island and Native tribal folks 70% its disturbing all folks inhabiting bodies. The wave additionally causes a sense of apathy, wishy washy lack of conviction to shift for the better.

What is it? Seems like part of the quantum field. This is shocking to me, but I don’t know why. All things can be used for good or ill, this is a technological foot of harnessing a minute particle of the quantum field for nefarious purposes.  As I observed it clairvoyantly, I saw the wave being directed out at humankind with something resembling a linear accelerator. 100th of a particle in the quantum field, very tiny.   

Intentional mind control of this wave uses matter (physical your body) and amplification (the law of attraction field) If this is left unchecked it would eventually extinguish free will. All humans are being affected negatively by this Q wave which in turn is making for a dull mind. Been around on earth about 18 years. It can actually get stronger, not yet at full capacity.

 And as I headed off to bed, I caught the next piece of this issue. The 5G and 6G and Q waves are not the only ones right now there are also F K and V affecting us negatively.  So it is actually good news as we can do something about it if we see it. One thing we are working on in classes is to repel these waves and remove the absorbent programming in DNA and areas of the blueprint causing us the attract and take them in.

Life has become very interesting, I feel like we are in a science fiction drama, I’m so ready for some good resolutions!