Each and every time we meet together in classes we begin with prayer. In the past couple weeks we have had a strong focus on praying first to the Creator, Mother/ Father God or what we sometimes refer to as Supreme Being. You may wonder why we have switched right now to deeply first connecting to God before addressing angels and helpers? 

I will tell you quite simply, God of Creation, is present in our programs and we have been beautifully guided to know we can make a difference with the path of humanity. 

I have come to understand that not only must we in our community grow and evolve in love wisdom, but now we are being asked to step up and become the guardians of humankind in our own very special way. God is with us, especially if we directly ask for help. 

It is my hope and prayer that you will also take this on in your daily practice. Align with God and goodness before doing anything. Make this alignment a priority now as we are bringing in the light. There are some who speak very confidently that the light is already won. I would caution us with these kinds of words, there is a great darkness. If we return to the illusion of it all being decided and doesn’t matter what I do, after all I am just one person, we will surely not prevail. We must center and focus and direct light each and every day and ask for wisdom and help to accomplish the task ahead. It is not a quick fix, but humanity didn’t get to where it is overnight so we can do this, one day at a time. Our Ascension and Quantum Mastery programs all week weekly to neutralize clear and of course begin with powerful prayers. I invite you to join us!