I have worked with literally thousands of students, and hundreds of one-to-one clients, and our rate of Quantum Miraculous Transformation is unmatched by any other system. Why? Because we’re not doing a healing. It’s that simple. We’re rectifying both your blueprint disparities by using your own quantum particles to realign and grow back fully functioning glands organs systems, even the brain.

Today I am thinking about 3 VIP clients who came in with great hope for a better life and got more then what most think is humanly possible.

Raised from the Dead! If you’ve been around awhile in our community you have likely heard of Carolyn Stevens. One of her husbands friends met me at an event and literally begged me to call her, that he felt she was going to die very soon. I kept telling him I don’t do that but he was so insistent I did as a favor to him call her. Fast forward a bit, Carolyn did become a VIP client, and over time we both removed all the problems directing her to death and than after some time grew back a new colon for her after her very sick colon had been surgically removed. She did a lovely interview of her experience if you haven’t seen it You really must! So inspiring.

Recovers Brain and Body Function: Ebola with 6 Strokes When Elizabeth called me she was in very very bad shape. She was a 62 year old top level executive, who was sent overseas for negotiations fairly regularly. She was brilliant. And then all of the sudden life came to a crashing halt. She caught Ebola, and by the way it went through her body rapidly it caused her to have 6 major strokes in rapid succession leaving her unable to do most of what we take for granted as just normal stuff. The huge shifter for her was two fold, brain regeneration and daily meditations keeping her in the quantum field of transformation. Her Friends commented after her VIP program the shift was truly miraculous! She was again herself.

Of course this program is not just for people who have severe health problems, but normal healthy folks who want to stay at the top of their game and are noticing themself slowing down.

Jack Canfield Promises to Slow Down Then Skyrockets! I met Jack at a private Authors retreat in his home, and the warmth and spirit recognition was so joyous. As we looked at my books and business model, he guided me in some awesome directions, advice which I am to this day following and acting on. Jack is considered one of the top 3 inspirational leaders in the world. At 70 he was feeling the wear and tear of intense long days, stress, travel and the demands of a powerful successful leader. I had suggested a Brain regeneration and he was all in. Working with Jack was a dream come true for me as he had the brain of a king. I was able to really observe from an intimate view how a male leaders brain is used. And was able to incorporate my understanding having worked with him, into what I now do for folks when they reach the point of being ready for envisioning leadership on a grander scale. Prior to his VIP program he had promised his wife to slow down and reduce his travel and commitments to half, after restoring brain and body, Jack added even more to his active schedule feeling incredibly well, clear and vibrant once more. He wrote acknowledging the big role I played in his landed and interview on Oprah and all the wonderful changes he was experiencing after the brain regeneration. Jack has interviewed me twice, here are both links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6N5Nye089U

If what I have written about stimulates a ray of hope for a quantum leap in your life and you now find yourself ready for miraculous transformation I have a VIP program reserved for you!