In our amazing Forever 501 we had a most exciting conversation and activation to shift out of Ego and into God Awareness. This is something we have been percolating on for a few weeks and it is coming to a much greater depth of awareness and comprehension. 

As God had created us as radiant beings of truth, life, light, and awareness we are seeking to be that who God had intended us to be. 

With the overlaying energies and programming of ego, we seem to become lost in a world of illusion, in India the word for this is Maya. This meant we experienced the illusions and deceptions of the world. And in that process of life with ego, we were unable to know what was real and what was true versus deception and illusion. Truth, not as ‘my truth’ has become a popular way to use the word truth in a very downgraded way, truth based on feelings kind of way. But the truth is what is, seen through the eyes of God. 

When we live with ego, we are at the center of the I as separate from God. If somehow this is true then it takes action on our part to experience His unending enormous love, purity, and truth. Meaning God had created us deficient and not in His likeness and image if ego is real. So then the question comes down to whether did God do what he said He did or is the illusion of Ego and the science of psychology is right about the ego being an intricate part of us. 

It all leads me to an understanding of Ego as just one more overriding system that blocked us from our God’s blessings from source creation. Just like Chakras, meridians and DNA, Ego locks us into and is the holder for nefarious thoughts and ideas to take root and decay our sense of rightness rather than being able and capable of living in the purity of God’s unending strength. Ego is the holder out of which emotions anchor, fester and destroy our innate gift of being one with God. 

Under the overriding energies of Ego we discovered we were created with God’s Awareness. We saw Ego was largely fed by family influence but the alien influence of the stimulated ego was serpent. This makes a lot of sense, go back to the story of creation where the Serpent in the Garden of Eden begins to corrupt the purity of Eve and tells her she can have all knowledge of God if she just eats an apple God has asked her not to. Ego starts in humanity with these lies, and not knowing or perhaps not remembering she was created in the image and likeness of God, not looking to who she was created to be and all the strength and wisdom she already has at hand she steps away from her God blessing into ego, and begins a sad path of separation from God. 

Moving away from the story of Eve, I want to bring us to a notion that came through in class, that without ego, we would have faith that all things are happening for good and for our benefit and never believe someone is doing something that could harm us…this is a notion that takes some time to integrate and fully understand. Think of this if we are part of God and we are creating and something we are filtering through has a feeling of hurt, or fear attached to it, and we know we are created in the image and likeness of God, we wield great power, nothing happening could actually hurt who we are. And when we do not have the ruminations of things hurting us, we do not put out thought forms that bring things that hurt us into our field. 

I know this is a lot to take in and I could likely write a book on this topic to fully embrace the God-awareness aspect of perception, but for now, let this begin to be a seed of awareness that can grow and become part of who you are as you release ego and the nefarious systems of emotions.