Who is that, that is no thing, that which makes the river flow freely? 

This little verse became a chant for me 20 years ago as I pondered the movement behind all life. Who made the river flow, who breathed life into my body, and who brought me back to life more than once when it appeared my body was at the end of its time?

 Is the nature and essence of God found in everything that in nature exists with a form and purpose? 

The Earth realm was created by God. All that is here is influenced by God’s hand. 

I ponder the notion that if we only let our wanderings and thoughts imagine a place that is only God, would all that is not pure just, and holy just cease to exist?  How many of God’s children would need to dwell on this and this alone to disappear all the nefarious workings currently in play? Dwell on this powerful truth: there is only GOD. 

Maybe 10,000..maybe in 20,000 years??? We must stay true to the 10-year commission and continue the work of unraveling the predicament we as humans divinely blessed and loved so profoundly by God find ourselves in. We do make a difference. Our work is incredibly valuable, and we are far from wielding that kind of powerful alignment with God at this point.