While driving I was blasting and reading the energies around Entitlements. SOOOOO fascinating. We did a deep dive a year ago on walk ins, and much of our community no longer has agreements with those spirits who are taking up space in their body, while they the original spirit abides in the body. Now I am drawn to understand entitlements on a deeper level. We did some great work with the recent Diamond training going to the Lumerain beach to clear entitlements from that era for our attendees.
There are 5 versions of Entitlements that affect us not owning our blueprint or being able to transform up to 100% whether clearing or regenerating. Entitlements must be “disappeared” not just cleared. I may create a training on this as I can see the value of this profound knowledge. Entitlements anchor many times not with our anchors list but with our emotions list…things like greed, covetous, envy, possessiveness, frazzled and hedonistic.
Of course this dovetails beautifully on our current trainings, Karma clearing, 7 Stages of Love, and Stuff You Need to Know. In each of these trainings we will look at how entitlements as well as the topic for each of the already very potent individual trainings are preventing the fullest expression of love. I feel so much energy coming through! so much awakening and transformation at hand right now!