A few tips for a week of travel. Whether you’re traveling this week, or at any point in the future you can take a few simple steps to keep your energy clean and your spirit free.

  1. Especially in crowds, the airport, family gatherings and shopping malls, keep your aura pulled in as close as you can to your body. This will prevent some collection of other’s spiritual interferences.
  2. In many of my longer meditations I teach a technique I learned years ago in my psychic training. Put a protection rose in the front of your aura to catch the dark and negative energies coming your way.
  3. You can also ground the 4 corners of your bed, room and even rental car with a center rose grounded to the center of the earth and set on release to clear the energies left from others who have used these who may have not had good energy.
  4. Get your meditations in even if you have to get up at 5 am to slip them in. They will keep you grounded and give you a much needed spiritual shower from the inside out!