As I have worked these past weeks to help shift the trajectory of human actions and life on planet earth, I have come to a conclusion I and we as a community must check and cross reference all actions and activities we choose to be part of in light of the service of light or darkness. 

In this week’s ignite program we discuss how influences of fear, blaming and anxiety even in discussions with loved ones being heavily influenced by the misinformation feed of mainstream media might slow or lower or light and frequency. It works a bit like control energy transference and can happen in a simple conversation where you are unaware your field is shifting. 

For me it happened twice in one day, I saw it and responded to the energy wanting to come in and shift me down. First a family member was expounding on how it will all get better once a vaccine is on the scene. She said everyone can get a shot and we’ll be done with the Covid 19 problem once and for all. I responded first by listening and letting her say everything, then took a moment, she said are you still there? And I said, I respect your opinion, I know you have done your own research on this and you know what is right for you, and I have done different research and do not have the same idea, I love you and we don’t need to think the same. In the second instance it was a dear friend who is into black lives matter, I listened respectfully and said, I know whatever you will do will be love based, I believe something different, I believe all lives matter, and as she was saying we must first work to resolve black life, I said well first if we were on that tack I would work to restore honor among the Native Americans,  and all the underdogs who have been somehow oppressed. I know you will do only loving actions, I love you. 

So interestingly there are 2 bad choices when facing this issue. One is to say nothing and let it pass. This allows the energy of fear, blame or whatever the controlling energy is to get a foothold in your space. It can also come back to bite you later if you come out and say you believe something completely different than them and in a casual conversation you let them think you were of the ‘same mind’. 

The second bad choice is to come out guns blazing and make them see and adopt your point of view right there and then. This can only end up in hurt confusion and disruption in the relationship. 

Best choice and the choice that does not get the energy transference shifting your energy down notches is to listen respectfully, really listen just to learn about them and gently say you honor their path or research you know they have done and you have a different idea, you might say a little about it but nothing to challenge, just something to give them a notion. Then tell them you love them or respect them or whatever is appropriate and complete the topic. 

This is a simple action you can take to maintain a steady energy while we progress through the circus of delusion and human transformation.