*This is not meant to be a political endorsement. We look at stuff, even politicians, this is a look energetically at Trump for the purpose of understanding leadership influences. 

We have been watching the energetic movement of politicians both nefarious and helpful ones. We have a significant update on DJ Trump.  The original Donald Trump, who was born into his body, is now back. This energetic circumstance had been gone for 26 years.   As such He is 10% part of the deep state, with a 3% agenda of deep state.

His faith in God is 90%. DJR is God’s choice to lead the USA. He is currently in a 70% leadership role in the US. While Biden leads the corporation Trump leads the nation. 

In our energetic community, we have a 4th Group, which is extremely helpful God created and blessed, who is consciousness. 9 will now step into the role of helping Trump with a specific task. This task will benefit Humanity. 

He Does not have alien influences. And although it is true he has Masonic ties ‘yes’ 100% he is not following any Masonic agenda. This energetic Trump is planning to stay again for about 10 years. As such his soul is back 

As a side for our community not now but upcoming It would be helpful/beneficial to in future work on him to get him back to his God-sourced creation experience.