These two words don’t seem to be related, nor do they appear to be opposites, and yet you are either one or the other. Allow me to explain. 

What is compliant? Dictionary definition:

Willing to comply yielding bending pliant submissive; willing to do what someone wants. 

A person who is compliant will believe they are trustworthy. They will believe in the rules, order, doctrine, and guidance from their leader to the extent they will judge and act based on outside values. They will feel justified and righteous. They will seek to make and encourage all those around them to also be compliant. It will feel safe for them to be like all the others who are compliant. 

What is trustworthy? Dictionary definition: 

Warranting trust; reliable. Worthy of trust or confidence 

A person who is trustworthy has an alignment with purity and truth and you will know them by what they stand for and the level of moral values they live into for those around them to witness. They will seek to lift others up, but they will resist trying to change others overtly. A person who is trustworthy honors the essence of each individual and values each person’s contribution. A trustworthy person is wise or on their way to wisdom.

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