In 1996 and the previous year, I continued my search for truth and delved deep into my poetry to express the wanderings of my spirit. I had a good sense we were living in illusion much of the time, couldn’t yet say how to get out of this reality. This past week, we did some good work in the consciousness and c=mind control marathon in creating more ownership authority and influence over our lives and thoughts.

My first published book was Breaking Through a book of poems, hard to believe 26 years ago. It’s honest, earnest, and heartfelt, as I was and continue to be all these years later.

Truth And Illusion

It isn’t that I’m bad or good, it’s that I’m really nothing.

It isn’t that I’m foolish or wise, what’s important are the dumb things. Can I breathe without a sound? Or cry without a teardrop?

Can I hold on with my mind when the beat of my heart has stopped?

What’s real is not in question here. Truth is surely wrong.

My view of things is never right because I see too much.

I see the lies and deceptions and agree I have not seen them. Blindness saves my body from pain of beating and molestation.

When called upon to speak the truth, I must only speak lies.

I am rewarded for calling lies the truth,

punished for revealing the unspeakable truth.

Truth is unpleasant to those in power. Yet they truly are the weakest. They build their lives on lies. I build my life on truth.

When it comes time to stand and be accounted for,

I will stand on solid ground. I will stand on truth.

They will tumble and crash, having built a life on illusion. When illusion is no longer accepted in place of accuracy, what is left?


Wishing you a truth-filled coming week!