As we moved our testing of what we would discuss and how we would discuss it n the academy, I feel we all became much more grounded, sure footed and focused in a direction I am loving.  Early on in the pandemic and lockdown, we discuss many possible issues of darkness and wrong doings on the planet. At some point we even talked about politicians, and ideological movements and the implications as best we could see. Once we got the testing mode of, in service to the light firmly established our discussions shifted.

As I became clear there was yes, dark happenings, actually some horrific happenings on the planet, I also developed a way to know for myself what to pay attention to and how to work with our quantum activations to best help the movement in the quantum activations field.

A good test of what a person is up to is to test their actions in service to the light.

For example, were the 4 countries coming together in the middle east to sign peace accords in service of the light? As I test each one it reads 100% in service of the light.

What about the intense focus on ending human trafficking and shutting down the tunnel systems across the globe? In service of the light? Again, reads as 100%

You may not like all the personalities at play right now, that may rub you wrong, but I encourage you to test what the actions and results coming from these actions read to get a better understanding of what is actually happening.

We also have done many clearings on discernment, and I am now more able to know an illusion from a truth quickly.

In a recent political debate, many untruths were presented by one of the debaters. You could feel it in your body, as the person spoke a lie into the debate.

In our wealth program we have an incredible lesion on truth telling and manifestation. Turns out as you align with truth your word becomes more powerful in the universe, the more you tell the truth and keep your heart and mind pure the more rapidly you create from thought and intention.  In our top article you may have noticed we have an intention field. This field can get very muddled up with non-truth telling. It weakens more and more as you go down the rabbit hole of deception, this person who was having many deviations from the truth has an intention field that is frozen at zero. Meaning they  can use will that’s at about 50% but the interacting field of intention cannot help their movement because the intention field is driven by right thinking.

Enjoy Your Life! Stick to telling the truth! Stay on your loving path of empowerment!