We’ve had a TV obsession Frequency  (D13) since the start of our frequency list, now it is time to understand the impact of this frequency and how it may be affecting you over the long term. 

We’ll start by looking at who created it? Reptoid. It becomes a strong pull to return to watching video streaming, gaming, VR, or television.   You feel right – better like a question has gotten an answer when you are turning it on. 

The thing I found surprising was the damage it does, and the length of time that it takes to return to ‘normal’.  This frequency relates to a kind of soul-stealing. We can label it temporary soul-stealing, as it does have an end if you are able to pull yourself out of the TV obsession.  From the time you turn off the game /video/tv, you have 170 hours about 7 days without your soul functioning. Soul in our area of blueprint embodiment means you are not able to have the fulfillment of purpose. and people who watch a lot of this may never have 7 days go by without the obsession taking hold and suppressing purpose. 

I was also able to identify a few new issues while teaching the Ignite Mastery program   

4 additional newer Frequency in the last 30 days

D2 Satanic Devaluing Attack 17 days,  cancel culture – sorrow grief isolation of not belonging or not having our contributions celebration Lucifer

H6 Disturber of Equanimity 13 days Reptilian

B9 Sole foot pain 15 days hard to walk lucifer

B14 Assault on Conscious Awake  11 days Lucifer

3 New AI came in the last 30 days

E4 AI Demonic Energetic Tech  13 days lucifer

B23 AI Satanic Mechanism 15 days lucifer

I27 AI Lucifer Mechanism 20 days Lucifer    similar to the Kurs I27 Brought forth from the energy weapon spiral 

As we clear many issues, new ones come in. We are instructed to be alert and aware and not succumb to overwhelm, but to be like a tortoise slow and steady wins the race. one by one we take this stuff out. Lucifer made a play for raising back up in power in the last 2 weeks, we squashed that. A few issues did surface from that attempted power grab, we are Johnny- on- the -spot addressing it as it comes.

We do look much deeper into issues in the Ignite mastery program, Interested? Check it out here