In this exploration, we’ll look at the two words, and then as they function together. 

Begin by knowing this is our consciousness. It is related to God-awareness, purity, truth, and righteousness. 

Being awake is the opposite of mind, consciousness control, or hypnotization.  To be awake would mean that you are not under the spell or the influence of another. Humanity is currently able to use it about 8% Our advanced mastery students read 40% -22% use of awake consciousness. 

You can imagine it as providing your internal guidance system, and your moral compass. This Energetic aspect of us is related to how we relate to others if our actions reflect responsible caring accountability for others. 

Conscious Awake has been diminished. This is not a new problem. Deep state issue -Lucifer 40,000 years ago with a fallen angel mechanism- technology (I cleared an energy weapon last week, this did remove this with it). 

One other important point: stars and planets were manipulated somehow to harmfully influence Pleiadean and angels even before Humanity was on the scene. This dates back 70,000 years and basically created the harmful influences of astrology.  I find this fact interesting as Archangel Gabriel said he would be leaving soon to work with the stars and planets, and I know other angels as well have this assignment. 

30% of incarnated humans no longer have the energetic aspect of Conscious Awake.

When a person is taken over 20% or more by an alien consciousness awake can be basically cut out. 

 A surprising  80% category lost their consciousness awake piece with the C-19 vaccination. 

As well we can think about pregnant mothers who were vaccinated and gave birth to children born with black eyes/black goo creatures inside them they are born without consciousness awake. 

Sleeping seems to lower the percentage, of how much we experience CA. It looks as though 6-10 hours of sleep with non-lucid dreaming results in a 99% takeover of consciousness.  It can be reestablished by working ownership and authority over the time your body is in a restful sleep state.

During Sleep it is a time when energy is harvested from aliens.  The takeover of our consciousness is done while we are not aware.  Dreams begin to look like the entertainment of TV which after a few minutes we lose ourselves. 

CA is not active in the body when sleeping however if you are a lucid dreamer, you can bring this into your dream state as well. 

I had to wonder what is actually in play when we are sleeping?

Our Presence is experiencing dreaming. This is part of Essence. High self/spirit can be off working on an energetic level continuing to fulfill purpose while the body is at rest. Presence has the consciousness take over when dreaming this then is where we can identify what holds ‘conscious and awareness’: Presence.  

In general both in waking and sleep 2 massive influencers, suppressors, dominators are lucifer and serpent.