On Wednesday, we had a session on restoring vitality. One of the comments in the chat was: We don’t cure illness, only the cause. This is a great step towards understanding disappearing illness, yet there is one more step, and without it, we just won’t have the answers we are seeking in our vibrant, brilliant bodies.
Illness can only exist in a body that is not aligned with purity and truth. In other words, we need not seek to cure anything but rather to bring alignment back into ourselves.
Bernie Segal and Louise Haye had the theme of Love and Hate, or Love and Fear cannot exist in the same space; there was either one or the other. I like this as a basic, simplistic concept. Love is alignment; fear or hate are disharmonic and have low disruptive energy.
The above is an example of an out of alignment emotion. Now let’s take it a bit further and look at alignment in relationship to body performance. We have become impure and out of alignment with the creation and design of our conception and birth in this life by what we bathe, ingest, inject, and breath. All the toxic elements we are exposed to and have taken in the form of a disharmonic physical system. On the same note, when we choose a balanced nutritional meal plan, drink pure water all day long, and use our body in fun ways exercising and asking our system to stay youthful, flexible, and strong, we contribute to realignment.
In our programs, we are going way beyond that to align. Our current theme is to realign our entire self as we were created 60-80,000 years ago. To remove decay from the experience of being on timelines and to shift our energetic and physical self into what we were in our origins.
I am not talking about being a caveman or a Cro-Magnon man. I am sure these were experiments in the development of the physical body.
When I look back at individuals before all their timeline shifts, I see beings who resonated at 3000-5000 in frequency. These are very powerful, pure beings. This is who we all originate from. Eons ago, we started out aligned pure and regenerative. In this alignment, life continues for a very long time, vibrant, brilliant, and strong. This is what we now know and seek to return to.