Do natural cures work on unnatural illnesses? With this recent pandemic and the many advanced and mutated versions of the Corona virus we are asking many new questions about viruses and developed infections. In our Academy mastery program trainings and the COVID 19 wealth program we are investigating and responding to the virtual and suppressive issues of this era.
As we explored the nature of a virus we discovered it was Amalgamated, Controlling, Deceptive (they are man-made or alien introduced are created – not organic and the scientist who create the virus are also the ones who patent the medicines to cure them) Disgusting, Harmful and Observing (Scientist who create the virus are watching what happens how does this one affects the population.
I work with a community member who had contracted the virus on the early side of it coming out so she was 5 weeks into her experience and recovery. There was an interesting element of the virus, it prevented the blood from delivering the oxygen to the brain and other vital organs.
In so many ways this virus causes folks to feel weakened in their relationship to the body.
- DNA that virus splices on or embeds can stay in our DNA and can be passed down generationally
- Pranic breath is related to the lack of breath not being able to establish a good strong relationship with spirit to body. Body kept weak keeping life force down
- Golden Rings/halo reduced access
- Chakras nadis mini chakras shut off 30% in the body are susceptible to being shut down
- Golden thread connection to spirit can be broken by the virus
- Miracle energy shuts down genesis and lowers or shuts off conception
- Chemistry affects our hormone production negatively
- Light of cell very reduced responsible for regeneration
These were a few of the insights from last week’s classes.
We continue to explore and discover the unknowable and the answers to our questions, can we use natural methods for unnatural illnesses? Yes I feel the quantum technologies are fabulous for transforming illness into health, and we need to keep asking the questions that will help us understand why the human race has found themself at this place.
I understand the stats are improving the the curve of new cases in many areas is going down. Last week was a bit rough in our little area 3 people died and the cases doubled but on the bright side this week 14 of the reported COVID-19 cases are reported recovered here.