I hope you are able to tap into the incredible activations we are doing in a real and personal way. As I prepared to do the Global (Vacuum Nation) clearing, I felt Lord Jesus and 23 additional spiritual elders surrounding me, ready to protect our work and assist in healing the global population.

During this Va@@ine clearing, I was led to do a global shift to remove an influence that had served to override our discernment that would cause us to put harmful things in our body, which seems to be linked to mind-controlled behaviors. This shift was really amazing to me. I felt as if I were levitating! The experience of spirit in my body, well, the body felt so light it was almost like it wasn’t even there.

I am not the only one who feels these incredible shifts!

  • That was some kind of energy. Wow! In my heritage tradition, we call this Tikkun Olam, which in English is the Healing of the World.
  • Beginning Prayer, I was able to feel Moses, Miriam, Sarah, Abraham, and other biblical elders, as well as my heroic saba ( grandfather) who got us out of Europe in time and my deceased cousin Sarah who was all about charity and was infertile. I almost “saw” them standing all around me!
  • I’m so glad to be here to participate in the transformation of history for humankind.  What a blessing you are to this world. Fantastic program Julie Renee. Brilliant work  🙂
  • Seriously, I thank God over and over for leading me to your mentorship, dear Julie.  Yes, I was exhausted; had awful insomnia last night, but forced myself to get up to attend this class.  I feel SOOO much better now.
  • I just wanted to let you know how I felt when you cleared us during the first Vacuum lesson on Wednesday. It was amazing; I felt tingling around my body and was thinking how beautiful and powerful. When you asked if we had felt anything, I could not believe it.  I had felt it quite strongly. 

2021 was the year we dedicated ourselves to purity and truth. As we continue our quest to do and be more, to help more effectively and love more deeply, we are in the midst of creating such powerful miracles for all of humanity.

The key to successfully moving towards our 10-year commission is to practice wise elder wisdom. No shame, no blame, understanding there is a deep level of consciousness and mind control, and not all can be awake at this point. Folks who are serving in, for example, harmful medical roles believe they are helping. So we must continue to pray for them to see and experience the purity and truth of what is and be freed from the controls exerted on them overriding their innate wisdom.

I did receive this the day after our successful launch of the Vacuum nation clearing:

  • Shame on you…..C V are saving the world!!!!!!! Non va##ers are spreading it and we will never be done with co&&id because of non va??inators!  I can’t believe that you are promoting this!

And coincidentally on the same day received this:

  • I LOVE the focus you have on no blame no shame. I have been talking about unity and forgiveness all year. And even before. Perhaps my own missteps were a gift to set me on the unity and all forgiven path long ago. I don’t know. What I do know you are guiding the group to healing and truth beyond measure! Amen sister!

The truth is, with misinformation running rampant right now, we are so blessed in our programs with the huge focus we have had all year on gaining discernment. Having this ability to discern allows us to be at peace when others choose to battle and divide.

I am prayerful that you may find your way into the live programs now if you have not been actively participating. The energy and the information/transformations during our live stream programs are high, holy, and beautiful.