In the Ignite program we looked this week at murder, suicide, abortion and conscious slow death. We had a question from one of our students about the deliberate death of her mother.

Since we can see beyond what we are told to believe, let’s look into murders of our elderly. Mother Bee, let’s call her was newly experiencing dementia and had entered a supportive living home for memory impaired. While there, not sick she was given a CV test which infected her with the C. V. She rapidly was overtaken by the V admitted to ICU where within a few days told she would not survive, the adult daughter was allowed to hold her hand for 4 hours the day she passed already unconscious and unaware.

This does test as murder. The weight of murder fall to the Government and facilitators of her care home who choose to contaminate her system with a test she did not need.

Nursing home death that are CV related especially in NYC are also in the category of Murder.

From murder we as well need to look at a word G en’ocide. Are the elderly and young being targeted? The vac@ine issue is incredibly difficult to look at head on as we now know that specific races are more susceptible to death and brain damage from required state mandated childhood Va?cines. If you’re seeing the population drop in Native Americans there is a reason. African descent also have a 5x’s higher toxicity response than Caucasians.

This also test as a murder situation. Deliberately administering something to a fragile population you know is dangerous is murder….it tests as murder.

Murder is also on the rise in the US with the defund the police movement, deaths have increased dramatically from violence.

Finally I want to mention trafficking of children and adults. As well the elites adrenochrome realm, horrific and where death is involved does test as murder.

Murder does have consequences. And is always accompanied by demonic satanic devil and spiritual interferences. It is not a natural human response to difficulty, there is always something that has gone terribly wrong when murder happens.