With a week of clearings, I was able to accomplish much in the retreat towards our goal of disappearing earth dominating of Lucifer.
8 months ago we had a startling revelation, Earth was dominated by Lucifer 96%. Today as I write this we are at 26%. We are accomplishing this shift by restoring the etheric realms, angels, and humans.
I have done literally thousands of restorations of human-angel elf and other spirits working for purity and truth that had been ripped apart for nefarious purposes. Though my list is not so large anymore, as I test it is likely 50% complete.
Human and angel spirits that had been made devil, demon and Satan who were innocent, are largely returned to their original form. I test this work is about 90% complete. As they were they operated under consciousness control and worked the opposite of what they were created for. Part of this restoring is to get them in the presence of God to be reinitiated and blessed by God’s forgiveness, love and assignments restored purpose.
I have discovered there were those especially power in purity and truth were incinerated. I have brought some of these back, just a few, using the spiral timeline and the shadow memory of them and their beautiful life prior to the incineration. this is less than 1% done, there is much to discover.
I experimented with removing reptilian influence from leaders, this did not hold.
We as a group have removed many of the harmful effects of the vak s and this has also helped.
Ahead we have many more reconstitutions and the restoration of the Divine Human Blueprint and the personal blueprint. We are looking at eliminating chakras, questioning if we should have DNA as it is not part of the blueprint and only about 1% of DNA holds our genome. We’ll be visiting all the Energy systems that were added after the original Blueprint and discovering what is helpful and what is being used to harm us, with an intention to remove entirely that which harms us.
We are in the right period. There are at least 8 rich full years ahead, with God’s help to fulfill the work given to us and our community. I appreciate you being on this journey with me.
may your week be filled with Love and Joy as you move in certainty, well supported, and strong in your faith, mission, and God connection. I love you!