What words have become so contaminated with modern societal use that they no longer support a conversation that is pure, true, or helpful? I have been shifting for months now, showing not to use specific words as they actually lower the energies and bring the conversation or intention down to a much lower frequency.  It’s like the words have become lowered by a group that has molded these into their meaning and no longer mean what you may think. Not only that but they match, and align with the group think in the present day of something quite different. 

Good this is a very dull word energetically and is relative to what you deem as bad, there is no firm line of pure true or holy, good can actually mean pretty bad. Fabulous, wondrous, blessed, and marvelous are some words that have a much better vibration to describe a positive. 

Healthy has been hijacked by western medicine and does not mean healthy. It means functional. You are asked to suspend your ideas about health to agree to take a nefarious drug with bad side effects to living a healthy lifestyle. I use vibrant and brilliant as substitutions for this. 

Healing as a word is riddled with controversial meanings to be healed means you are not already whole, and that something outside you is making you heal, rather than your innate nature bringing you into balance and restoring your true nature of vibrancy. If you are ‘healing’ this lowers your ability to return to a natural vibrant state because you imagine that something is wrong and needs fixing rather than coming into alignment with who you are at your core.