The blessing of this moment: 11- 11- 2020!

I feel blessed to live in a country where the current administration is a stand for peace. I am grateful that our US military troops are now returning to their homeland, and that we now have a very strong military on our own shores, that is free from war!

I am for truth, purity, light and the protection of those in service to the light and life. I am for my family and for freedom of worship.

My son, Peter, who is now 39 joined the National Guard as he was leaving high school. Like my father before him, he also enrolled in the Army at 17. They are both men who believe in doing the right thing. This Honorable trait led them to serve in the US military and protect our nation. Both of my Grandfathers served in the military as well. Beloved Grandpa Herbert Doering was a cook on a Navy ship and Grandpa Frank Gable was a career military man in the service 42 years.

You may not know this, moms and dads get a chance to spend a few days at bootcamp just before their kids complete their training. I got to spend time at bootcamp with my son, and watch the transformation of my son from a boy to a man, learning many noble qualities that now serve him in his life and in his role as husband and father.

I feel thrilled to live in a country where our Leader is the first President in a very long time to not get us into another war. Because of his commitment to peace, a direction our country needed to move towards urgently, he has been nominated for not 1, or even 2, but 3 Nobel Peace prizes! And those nominations are directly a result of all the work done in the past 4 years to end foreign wars and bring peace to the middle east. Is it 9 countries now in the middle east peace accords? Many!

We had all but given up as a country on NASA and space exploration. But now in the past few years we have a strong space program. This includes defense. I had a Nasa Astronaut in my practice 10 years back, she is one amazing woman! In 2020 we now have a strong space defense and exploration program.

I love that we now have a safe, secure border wall. We can welcome immigrants that come legally and properly into the country. Most families, unless you are Native to the Americas, at some point were immigrants. We can now welcome with open arms those honest good folks seeking to make the US home. At the same time it is reassuring to know our current administration is stopping terrorist gangs from coming in. There has been a strong effective push to stop drug trafficking and human trafficking. We are seeing this era end, much thanks to the efforts of our military and Border patrol under visionary leadership.

What did the noble men in my family line fight for? They were making sure their children and grandchildren would live in a free Democracy. These men all believed we could and should live free. Free to pursue our dreams and stand proud of a country well defended.

Honestly, I am glad I do not live in a socialist country, I am glad we have free and fair elections, and when things are not right, we have laws to make sure there is a course correction. I love our constitution. I love our flag and the Pledge of Allegiance:

One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Who are you remembering on this special 11 11 2020 veteran’s day? Who fought to uphold your rights? How will you honor them and the years of sacrifice they made for us?