We have long been on an earth filled with beauty, yet occupied by many low and malefic forces. So when the realm of earth was created we have to ask was it a part of God’s Heaven?
I come to ask this because we in our training are now seeking intensely to align with who God had originally created us to be from our origins and God’s blessing. Let’s look at who the origins of the earthly realm were and begin the conversation of restoration.
Yes, Earth was an extension of the heavenly realm!!! Earth around millions of years was created beautifully was part of heaven. 30,000 years ago, it lost the status of being an aspect of heaven.
I am reminded of what Mother Mary in our Grace interviews told us: Put your garden in Heaven. She did not tell us to bring heaven to earth, she told us something quite different. If we look at this concept to add understanding we need to look at scripture to comprehend how this could be possible.
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
If we give meaning to what is the word, it is our thoughts, generating the spoken and written word, beginning with consciousness in action.
Heaven is a word. Earth is a word. Can our consciousness with prayer cause our heart, mind, and environment to be what it was meant to be?
We would not bring anything anywhere, we would know without question heaven. But heaven is not as a concept in the sky or where we go if we have faith after death of the body, but the experience of the Holy magnificence of God’s Glory in through and around us at all times.