Have you heard that there is an impending doom even just around the corner, and you are fearful of what that may mean for you and your family? Well, you are not alone; many podcasters are getting word of an impending catastrophic issue and shouting from their platform far and wide so all may hear and get prepared for the danger just around the corner. 

But I do want to point out God made us in His own image and likeness. He gave us an incredible power to create our reality, and then He gifted us free will to choose what we would energize and bring forth. 

Last week in class, a discussion took place about the prediction from many that a huge catastrophic event was about to take place over the weekend (last weekend). There was a lot of energy around it with various predictions, each cataclysmic and worse than the last. Political scares, nuclear bombs dropped, a Tsunami, massive earthquake, asteroid crashing into the earth, massive extensive floods, and so on and so on. 

When there is so much intense negative prophecy whirling around in space, honestly, it could happen. But. Does it need to happen??? This is the word in our prophecy category we call destiny. Is destiny real? Is it a foregone conclusion that this has to be the outcome? 

For me, I believe in the unending power and graciousness of God and do not believe even in the tiniest iota of my consciousness in destiny. Having died twice and come back to live out my life and continue to fulfill my intentions to work with and support the progression of humanity, I know absolutely there is no foregone conclusion of what has to happen. If that were true, then the destiny for me was to die young, right? It was in my astrology and in my medical charts DIE Young and painful death. But I did not. I did not believe, even in death; I believed in life.  I believed that there was some ‘Good’ in this world, even if appearances seemed to point to the overriding evil that had embedded itself among the populace. 

So when a prediction of doom comes in, there are three paths to take:

  1. Believe it as fact, be afraid, and take actions to protect from impending disaster.
  2. Believe it and be apathetic. Yes, it is happening, but I can’t do anything to stop it, so I will spread it around by talking to others and then hold on for the aftershocks sure to follow.
  3. Notice there is a strong group mind prediction energy and take calm steps to quench the imagined disaster. Two steps you could take are (a) prayer and (b) activations- clearing charts.

When we energize the idea of doom, we misuse the power God gave us to bring life and joy into this world. 

We do not realize how powerful we are.  I heard comments and requests to shift reality. Some of our participants were in a mild level of fear over the ‘false flag scare event that could have been created by a weather weapon. We had a conversation in class and then did a clearing. I tested it was down to a tiny possibility it could happen.  In this case, I did work to speak into the mind of a political leader who was contemplating a possible strike with nuclear weapons. He was curious and a bit annoyed that I was in his mind speaking to him but agreed to contemplate what I had spoken to him about consequences. It did feel at the end of this mind-to-mind chat the notion of dropping bombs had left him. and as we see, no event happened. 

  • I am thinking that the pumping we did last week to lessen or remove a potential False flag worked unless we have not heard anything yet – Lauri

God hears us. And. We are created to be in action to use the gifts God has blessed us with and create the possibility that LOVE will be the dominant energy on this Blessed green fertile earth.

Want to learn how to be more effective with prayer and clearings?

  1. Join the leadership team (free)
  2. Read this article on how to effectively use intercessory prayer (meaning how to pray for others)