We’ve come a Long Way, Baby! From where we were in our understanding of what is purely in the blueprint of God-sourced creation! And because of that, everything is changing! For many years I taught classes on how to improve chakras, kundalini, and pranic breath. We assumed DNA was original, right? Everyone did, and for 99.999% of folks they still do. But the alteration over time of the blueprint has robbed us of the pure fact of the powerful creation gift we were given, created in the Image and Likeness of GOD.

We used to call the 4th area of the blueprint Energy or Energy Systems. This is what was included in the list of what was there:

Energy Systems

Human Spirit Access Portal

Auric field

Halo Golden rings

Integrating fields




Golden thread

Silver thread

Miracle energy

This is what we now know was created by God and is God’s original.

God Created Energic Brilliance

God-sourced admission to quantum transformation was never solely energetic but does inform the brilliant action for quantum to transform Quantum provides a possibility for rapid and immediate transformation Quantum is not solely energetic it is particles vibrating

God Pleasure Context This was never solely energetic God gave us consistent and brilliant pleasure in the experience of being of human form

God Mind Admission This was never solely energetic God gave us a brain and access to His energetic brilliance wisdom knowledge

Pillar added in past 10,000 years Is neither energetic nor physical it is of light a blue-hued Colom of light The bottom of the Colom is light and up at the top of the head is a deeper color of blue – one of the purposes was to override the stronghold kundalini had on Gods children

God Strength Door 10,000 years was 100% energetic at one point now about 80% energetic Provide whatever strength is necessary access to strength in all areas and is supporting authority

This week in our upcoming Tuesday Mastery program, we will work on the area of what has been titled matter. This area refers to our physicality. What we are now wondering is if humanity was a frequency of 3000 to 5400 at the time of creation, were we ever meant to be so physical? At that frequency, where the particles were vibrating at a much faster speed in the field, were we much less weighted? Was the alteration of lowering the average human down to 190 vibrations, (our students vibrate much higher but not yet where we were in our original state), or was the lowering down part of the slave race adjustment of the interfering aliens who sought to use humanity as a slave race?

At this point, we must approach everything with curiosity and excitement. We are on a role, and understanding who we are is an important factor in who we can return to. If there is any doubt God loves us and wants us to succeed, let that doubt be set aside right now. Look how fast we are getting to this wisdom… in less than 4 years, our understanding of the God sourced created blueprint has radically improved.