You might begin each day with this question. What am I doing today that matters for eternity? In asking the question you begin to anchor that what you do, your action thought deeds, and words matter.  How you hold space for those who are not on your level or as evolved as you are matters as well.

I am noticing again the need for folks to polarize, to take sides and say they are not righteous, their actions are not the ones I would take so therefore they are somehow less worthy.  I was in a recent discussion with 7 Christian lady’s several were convinced it was right to correct the behavior of strangers. An example was given about some rude behavior of someone in a grocery line making sounds of annoyance and judgment about someone in front of them. standing behind them one of our ladies felt justified in calling attention to their behavior, several others piped up and agreed they should be addressed.

This winds back to spiritual law, one that is unbending and related to Karmic law. Judge not lest ye be judged.

As the discussion continued, the original gal said, but everyone gets upset with me not the person who made the snide sounds…why???

Do not judge or you will be judged for with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged and with the same measure you use it will be measured to you… from Mathew

We go through our life not realizing how potent our presence our thoughts are feelings are to those around us> are we lifting up others in the way we come into life?  

How could I live more fully? the answer is in the context of who you are and what you intend to create in this life. If you intend to love as God loves us, you are off to an amazing start. Keep asking yourself how I can be more loving and understanding. I am not saying doormat, mambepambe or apathetic. I am saying the true power of transformation is in how deeply and beautifully we love. We are all on a journey each of us with different gifts, skills, and knowledge. How wonderful to be curious to discover the wonder of another’s inner landscape struggles and joys.