We have been investigating what some have called soul-stealing and are opening the door to understanding what is happening and who is behind it. Our very advanced students are beginning to have the skill to do some of the spirit repairs.

The first question I asked of God was what things can be done to harm the spirit? Spirit refers to Human and Angel, several times elf spirit was included in the answer as well.

Here is the list:

  • broken cracked
  • hybrid-ed amalgamated
  • incinerated completely demolished nothing left
  • synthesized fused
  • weakened drained there is spiritual force part of God nature
  • melded together with others
  • turned into something else (flipped) demon devil
  • diminished overshadowed
  • Alien deception which looks like willingly agree to be less
  • contaminated defiled
  • ripped apart
  • Used (removed consciousness)

From this, I asked each one who could this happen to, who did it, what is the consequence of this and how to repair the damage. Here are a couple of examples of the answers given:

Some of these items I would only be able to do, but I did find hope and intention to get our students competent in the repairs of a majority of these spirit damage issues. 

Archangel Michael gave us this powerful call to arms, one that inspires us to be and do more, to believe in yourself, and align more and more with who God made us to be. 

This is what I have to say to you. Live your life well.  Live an honorable and respected life. Respect others. Respect yourself.  Discipline yourself, and discipline your mind.  Be who you were created to be, and then become more. I challenge each of you to be spiritual warriors, to grow and become, and be the strong protectors of this human angelic community. You each are the light of the world. You each cancel out the darkness. When there is no fear, when there is no feebleness, when there is no weakness in you, You are truly living as God intended.  God bless you. Every one of you, God bless you. May your heart be filled with love, fill the strength, courage, and power. And may your mind continue to become more and more honed onto the truth of who you are and the source of who you are, You are sourced by God. 

If you want to go to a greater level of contribution, our Ignite program is our most advanced group, who are being taught and cleared to do the miraculous. Many of these students have studied with me for many years and are at the point of deepening their skills. Learn about Ignite here.