What do Dreams Replace? 

Have you ever wondered if you were fulfilling your purpose? You know, are you doing what you and God agreed to prior to your incarnation? 

There is a very weird phenomenon happening with dreaming. It strongly reads as a partial soul-stealing. How I see this, your spirit when your body is at rest is meant to go to do the work you were called to do. But without your presence, which represents a conscious aware state, your spirit is unable to do its work. 

Let me show you: 

Spirit at creation had presence as an aspect of spirit. it did not separate or split apart ever. An ok spirit is one with presence. 

At creation, we did not dream. We laid the body down for rest and would continue our work out of body. 

It appears 13,000 years ago presence was split from spirit. And 9,000 years ago this dream where we are held captive began. The dream engaged presence and entertained it. 

So now we have a spirit without its awareness, in the sleep state not related to body, and not related to presence which is being held in a trance-like state, (the dreaming cycle). 

We are making a good start to clearing this issue in our consciousness sleep class, part 2 is tomorrow. I feel there is much to learn about this, But it does appear Reptilian created the dream state, integrated it well and we assume it is as it should be.