When I was back in clairvoyant training many years ago, our instructor informed us that the function of hormones in the body and spirit were very much related, like twin sisters. Hormones, when at peak performance, whispered through the body a symphony of ecstasy, relaxation and drive, while spirit and the light from spirit provided animation of the body, power and vitality!

When these two aspects of you are off track and not performing well, you may experience a storm of physical challenges, fatigue weakness and erratic emotions. Whew.. that’s a lot to consider.

In our Quantum Academy trainings we’re really working full self expression with a focus on Your Brilliant Brain, having 100% Chemistry, and fully activating Your Light Body! While we work these vital aspects of you we also dive into the process of building your 100% Success in our wealth training so that you can enjoy prosperity in your great healthy life! Living your life without encumbrances, feeling well connected spirit in body is part of the journey towards awakening to full self expression and joy.