Our Quantum Mastery program is off to an amazing start as our advanced Ignite participants explore and fully activate all aspects of the ancient part of the blueprint we refer to as perception. It might surprise you to know that this is the largest part of the human/angel in body blueprint and we’ve just begun to scratch the surface of what each of the 15 elements we’ve discovered to date do and how they function in us.

In each case I have found surprises, and I will share with you what our Mastery class learned in their first class of the year on perception.

Magnetism (Which was our 3rd activation)

Often seen as a magnetic part of one’s persona function is the ability to draw to oneself using amplification

There are 3 kinds of magnetism

  • animal magnetism
  • sexual magnetism
  • alpha/top dog leadership, crisis commander magnetism


One chemical aspect of magnetism is pheromones produced not from the body but from perception!  

I’ve been in general speaking about perception for years as the mental and emotional source code. In this aspect, magnetism we see especially emotions driving this law attraction energy. If you’re feeling up and happy or excited your field is drawing in to you more of what you are excited about  On the other hand if you’re low with your emotions it’s acting as a repellent.

The function of this is to create a pull where people and good things are naturally drawn to the strong purpose-filled individual, the leader or highly, able individual.

Each lifetime you may or may not have this feature so it doesn’t necessarily carry over from lifetime to lifetime but more likely unique to this life.

And what was surprising knowing that these people are the leaders in our academy, all had magnetism, but everyone had broken, damaged and low function. We proceeded to not only clear but repair and restore all participants with individual blueprint activations getting everyone to 100% form and function!

We’ve done such a great job in Essence and Energy, I’m thrilled to dive more deeply into the largest part of our blueprint and begin to learn the secret encoding of our ancient and pure self and to repair and restore the damage done by harmful spiritual interferences.

One remembered 

I remember a time when there was no speaking

When sound was outside of the realm


The self was still

There was no separation from the great we

We heard the vibrations of the brilliance

We heard the voice of love


A time when real was all 

And manifest was illusion

The we knew the self fully 

and the self knew the we


From the book Origins