This week we continued to explore Wisdom. Two weeks back while defining the aspects of God Wisdom Consciousness a definition was honed in relation to this blueprint area we’ll use in this conversation to establish a base of what wisdom is when we are looking at it from a pure view. 





Wisdom is understanding gleaned from both experience and God-mind connection.

I have access to wisdom in direct contact with actions and movements of others

requiring a higher level of awareness and understanding. 

 Wisdom is Understanding. This understanding is greater than a single view of a circumstance or condition, it is a broad-based multi-leveled understanding of the issue and involves knowing and connecting to the frequency and vibration of Pure God Existence. 

This Wisdom is Gleaned. Like something we would harvest at the completion of a long fertile growing season, a nutrient-rich base from which one can observe in purity and love. 

Gleaned from Experience you might imagine this is from your own personal experience, but actually, it is your experiences with those you shared the God cloud experience with from pre-creation. The experience of your energetic kinfolk. This experience refers to the time of no time when all was all, and that all was profoundly and deeply understood. 

Gleaned from God Mind this is formed through our consciousness at one with God and God is expansive, aware, and brilliant. The Nature of God includes wisdom. When we seek to be as God had intended us to be we draw the nature of God and His wisdom to us. This supports us to be and emulate God.

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