The moon shockingly will come under our weapchinery category and is not, as we have heard, a piece of earth that broke off long ago. 

The moon is an energetic weapon. It is using energies from outer space to torment earth’s inhabitants. When I ask about its makeup, I get that the moon is a transport of some kind. It has hollow areas that makeup 60% of its interior. As I can, I will attempt to discover more about the moon and its nefarious purpose. 

It appears larger at times and smaller or distant at others, moving all over the sky, not in any stable, predictable path. We only ever see one side. 

This is the first time I have asked the question I usually ask 3 times to be sure of my answer in this kind of matter, but it appears the Kurs have placed it there. The

 Kurs are an alien race. Here is an image that is approximately what they look like.