We just completed our clearing on abortion clinics. This brought up a big conversation about when life starts. Having helped with 140 pregnancies and births, I can answer with wisdom. 

My intention with the clearing statement was to shift the idea that women’s reproductive health has nothing to do with abortion. Reproductive rights have to do with choosing abstinence or some form; there are many forms of birth control. Unless a woman is really wanting to have a child, she is fully able to prevent pregnancy. 

When is it the energetic self (spirit) of the child that fills the new body forming? During the first 7-8 days, the body is at a cell level, and on the 7-9th day, all the master cells are needed to form a body. A baby spirit may be in your field for months before conception. A human spirit can cord the forming body at conception, but typically, it is the 9th day after conception when the connection with the cord from the infant to the blastocyst happens. A spirit can change out several times during the pregnancy, meaning early in the pregnancy, one child may be there, and it may, for whatever reason, leave and let another spirit cord the developing fetus. 

The spirit, once corded, is now in collaboration with the forming body and can affect the ultimate long-term appearance of the body. It will be in and out of the forming body throughout gestation always corded to it, always part of it. 

I was asked about Father God Judging and condemning women who have abortions. When we sin, it is something we have done against ourselves and, in so doing, have in some way severed our relationship with God. Understand we are the ones doing the serving, not God. God commanded us not to kill. Choosing to end a life, is against the 10 commandments. It destroys innocence and breaks the bond with Father God. 

There is enchantment and charm in the idea there is nothing wrong with killing an unborn child. If a woman, through group mind and this enchantment, is convinced it is fine to kill her baby, she will likely immediately feel shame and guilt. Her field becomes dark, and she may experience grief. She may go to God and ask for forgiveness and ask God to care for the child she ‘threw away’. She may wake from the enchantment spell that many are living under on this day. God is a loving, forgiving, merciful God. A woman must reconnect with God since her act of ending a life severed her relationship with God. She can ask for forgiveness, this is enough. And as Jesus liked to say, go and sin no more.