As we move into our 3rd week of 2022, we can see an emerging pattern to classes that launch our beginnings, that of purification and God alignment! 

The classes I teach, and the days I teach them are Divinely guided. I know this to be true for myself when this week has had a significant issue with a bad reaction to a drug used when in a small-finger surgery last Friday, I became ill, weak and my life force dropped to 7%.  And just a few days later I led the drug vac clear out program and went from the start of class 7% life force to the end of class 4 hours later 100% life force, strong and fully reengaged in my life. 

This is God working. For me, undeniable proof of the wisdom of each and every class laid out at just the perfect time. 

As we focus on life, you may wonder why there is so much removal being done? It seems the theme of every class is to remove stuff God didn’t put in us. If you are noticing that, it is true, for we are seeking to be Divine and purely created in the image and likeness of the Father.  In this quest to be as we were, pure and true, filled with long youthful life, we seek to be original, unaltered, and glorious in our true original form. 

Immediately we have chakra removal in the Monday afternoon slot.  This class must be a high priority for all in our classes as much of the nefarious harvesting of energies is completely stopped with this 5 part removal program.  This program ends the whole notion we are being used as livestock to feed aliens. It puts an end to us being used as chattel. We become sovereign free beings using our energy as we will for our own purposes. We say to the universe we are willing to be in charge of who we are and end mindless control. We stop being sheep. 

From there we remove all the additions to our blueprint in the new Forever 401. All the things that usurped the perfection of who we are and how perfectly we were created. And in a second-round in March, we go once again to removing DNA entirely, which is used to anchor in all manner of challenges, illness, and break down. 

As we move towards LIFE as we were designed and created to live and enjoy, we can evolve. and grow beyond. 

God created us as amazing and truly incredible. Most began life at 3000-5000 as their frequency.  Most humans now struggle to be over 300 frequency (500 being unconditional love) and I know our group has a goal of moving back towards who God created them to be. But that was not the do-all, end-all of frequency, it was the start point to your potential. You have the capacity to be way beyond what you can imagine. What if you evolved and contributed in ways that moved your frequency not only to 5,000 but 10,000 or even 20,000. God did not create you with limits. 

Limits were addons. 

That’s right. The limits you are currently experiencing are Add ons… added from all the stuff you didn’t say no to when it was offered, chakras, DNA, aura, puranic breath, interacting fields. human spirit access portal and timelines too, to name just a few. 

Want to evolve? Remove that which is not you.