The creator of this group came from God cloud 4 300,000 years ago

They attempted to integrate into the human population and came on the scene 40,000 years ago

attempting to bring in with their clarity, wisdom, and truth. 

Brahma, represented as a bull and responsible for fertility is neither alien or human, might just be an energized idea, he becomes a scapegoat and a bad guy with the stories about him.

Saraswathi body humanoid from another planet

Shiva synthetic

Parvati  body human

Ganesh amalgamation

Vishnu Hybrid

Lakshmi, she came from incantation and thought consciousness brought into the body by these ‘gods and demons’ working together’ body human

Krishna Synthetic

Radha Synthetic body human

Rama Hybrid

Sita – was Orion

Demons Ravana – alien Snake Evil

Hanuman body human 

incantations mantras

Vedas activates the power of God’s creation – yes use them

sutras this is the stories recording the history of the linage 

The thing to be clear about is when using a mantra, you are not worshiping any other god, you are energizing the mastery of the words. For example, Ganesh has full mastery of removing obstacles, so a Ganesh mantra you would energize the mastery of life without obstacles. 

The Bible is clear about the worship of other gods, you shall not. Making obscene a statue that represents the god Ganesha would be a redline crossed with the rules in the Christian doctrine.  Putting your attention on God of creation is what is asked for and needed in this time. 

I have in the past led ceremonies and used statues of the Hindu gods and goddesses looking at them like spirit guides, never thinking of them as God. Like a role model. Even at that time, I prayed to father God. 

If we want that connection God has given us His Son Jesus Christ so prayers can be personalized with a guide, God’s Son as our helper and one who holds our hand through challenges. 

God is asking us to be faithful and true. There is much misinformation about every spiritual path that has a religion formed around it. I have found such deep fulfillment in communion and prayer including the Lord’s prayer and the rosary. 

Christian Heaven for God’s children is for those who have welcomed Christ into their hearts. This is what I test as true, not reading any scripture or doctrine. A way to override the evils that have been done to us and our poor choices so as to always be with God on earth and in heaven is to welcome Christ as Lord of your life.