A very famous Synthetic is in the news these days and you will likely recognize his name. He is one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential men. He is aware he is not human and has publicly confirmed he is an alien. This is Elon Musk if you hadn’t guessed. 

There is much praise for what Mr. Musk is doing among conservatives with the purchase and takeover of controls of a deep state-influenced social media site Twitter. 

Is star link nefarious? Yes. It is able to tap into the vaccinated using the signal from the vaccination in the body of those jabbed to both transmit and receive. ‘Humans are now hackable’ the statement we heard with a German accent many times is definitely made possible by star link.   

Is the Twitter takeover a distraction or is there a purpose other than altruistic for why Musk is working in this area? I get a weird answer, Elon is helping the agenda of the synthetics. So what pray tell does that mean? Keeping people talking to their phones and technology rather than speaking to each other. That is at least 1 of 15 things on the agenda of the synthetics. I was repelled by Twitter organically, there is an account in my name that had been run by a service, I made 2 or 3 posts, and the social media site felt sick like it was dissociated and encouraged mental illness. Group mind said you have to be on it, just like Instagram and now TicTok and the latest, but my internal wellness metro said no I do not. 

Tesla, the takeover of a company to bring it to a larger scale, was it a good thing or not? Have you ever been in one? A neighbor’s son in California was a Tesla dealer and brought over the fancy one with the wings. Although the initial wow as he drove up and popped the doors was impressive, the car felt like a tin can, driving around with a battery cell underneath me and a signal that felt like I was sitting in a cell phone, which made it rapidly unattractive to me. Sitting on a battery is bad for the human body. Somehow this car is part of suppression. Perhaps suppression from oil and gas, and stem and other natural human body friendly tools. 

We were down in south padre Island when his group was launching rockets and getting them to safely land. Lots of fallout, I know little about this project. But I test the ends of this project were also nefarious. Again tested as suppression of the human race.

The goal of synthetics is not to extinguish the human race but to amalgamate into it. 

Musk has advocated for the transhuman agenda. This begins with the addition on a massive scale of vaccinating folks who will at the 7th shot read as a hybrid no longer human. He believes adding technology to the brain makes you smarter. Some could argue that is true, access to information is connected by a web link. Each of these steps takes an individual away from God and the God blessing we were created with and out of.

We learned in class a couple of weeks back that synthetics are responsible for creating the Dream grid. They have been directing consciousness controls for 5000 years toward humanity. They can and do imaging into consciousness. 

If evolving as it is being promoted is adding technology to the biological system that is human till it is not human, then I am for devolving. Devolving means removing all the mechanisms and additives that have been added to the human race since the fall of the Nephelium and before.