Have a very blessed and extraordinary holiday remembering Jesus Christ as he truly was and honoring the beginning of a new year and new cycle. 

During class this week, I had a strong nudge to stop the regular study and begin to open the door of truth behind why Jesus, Son of God had to come to earth, what is the redemption he has sealed for us and how we may appreciate and honor Him with awe and adulation for His great love and sacrifice. 

Jesus taking a body and living among us made us ascend, he elevated us! 

  • 90 Nephilim Curses removed
  • 180 Luciferin curse removed
  • Demon empire which was rising on earth was  seriously suppressed
  • 70 timelines removed
  • Human Chemistry improved by 90% the chemistry in our body was preventing us from feeling our God nature
  • Something in column 13  removed

As I was talking about this Kari posted: “Woah! talking about what Jesus changed for us – my eyesight just got clearer, brighter like more light is being let in!!” 

There are 18 additions to this that would be helpful to understand. I was shown the Christian church uses charm and magical thinking to get Christians to step closer to the ideas the church promotes about Jesus Christ, which lives in the 60% true realm. 

As I was doing this I also heard the voice of Jesus who mentioned he was grateful we would actually look at the real and significant work His presence on earth provided for us. 

You are invited

On Tuesday, January 27, 2022, from 11:30 am central for 90 minutes to sit in on the Mastery class with our advanced students to get a first-hand understanding, hopefully of the remaining list of items and what that actually means to us today. 

The tuition is $49. I will likely not be promoting this as baby Henry and Adelia are needing lots of attention, especially over the holiday, but I do have a sitter set up to help me so I can navigate this class with a little more grace. 

There is no enrollment page, click here to enroll.