Rescue of 30,000 satanically sacrificed infants (mostly abortions) from hell and 300,000 from purgatory putting them all into healing temples making their spirits ready for a time when they can move into heaven.  

Some are wondering why an innocent child who has not yet had a chance to live would go to hell from abortion or a stannic sacrifice. 

What we now know is that a human spirit can be defiled to such an extent that much of what makes a person human is stripped away. 

There are 19 elements in perception for a blessed human only 3 remain for a human/demon spirit.

There are 8 elements of Essence but in those stripped of their humanity 3 aspects remain

There are 7 aspects in Matter 5 remain.

and in the Energy systems 5 for a blessed human yet only 2 for the altered spirit. 

Here is the comparison of what is God-given and what does a being look like who now reads demonic:

If a child is conceived and is sacrificed and not human in the makeup I shared of the blueprint configuration above, this would drop it into hell. This recent rescue was of beings who were more largely damaged, none went into heaven, yet they are in a healing process, and it is my intention to restore them as we did with cherubim and seraphim who had been defiled and made Devil. All of those over 6 months were returned to their angelic form. 

For the child in my life who had this done to her, it was 5 lifetimes ago. this is not necessarily coming from their evil demise in this incarnation, but for these, it was in previous times. 

I hope this is helpful and not frightening. We are working hand in hand with God, taking away the powers and purity stolen from the evil ones. Understanding the work we do is an important aspect of the kingdom of God’s restoration.