I’ve had a whole lot of weird and disconcerting wildlife issues this past year. I ponder the issue as I have always been in harmony with the creatures of the earth. They are wonderful, God created, and bring joy. 

At 49 I had been living in my condo by the freeway for years. I would chat, sing and pray in my little front entry garden almost daily, but one day the angels told me I needed to have surgery immediately. Having seen what was coming, I agreed and arranged it. The surgery was serious enough, precancerous cervix and a uterus overrun with a rare form of tumors from the radiation exposure. 

The surgery and recovery were rough. The sutures opened and I almost bled to death, rushed back to the hospital for intervention. 

You might be asking what does this have to do with wildlife? Well at that point I was so much part of nature the animals were very concerned and would check on me. They would actually come into the condo and just like a family member look in on me. 

A bird would fly in I have the sense it was speaking to me, just checking on you is everything ok? and I would look up sleepily from the sofa and say yes I’m doing ok and it would fly out. One day a possum came to check in on me. I was in a deep sleep on the sofa and did not wake. When I did awaken  I saw something scurry over to the curtain and hide, as I moved towards it ran to hide behind the harp, and eventually ran out the door. I examined the area a bit better, it had been sitting a foot from my head, watching me from the top of the dry sink, leaving a little evidence behind for me to see. 

A third visitation was from a deer. I had gotten up to use the bathroom and discovered a deer was already 6 feet into the entry hallway, I said to it oh no not you, you’ll have to turn around now, thinking these animals get a little frightened and disoriented inside the house. 

Years before that I apparently walked right up to a buffalo. I was not aware of this but my 11-year-old daughter Britta, came up to me yelling Mom you scared me, don’t you know the signs say don’t go near the buffalo? I was doing a meditation while walking, practicing being in harmony with nature. I suspect I didn’t read anything frightening to any of the wildlife. 

There are a hundred more stories I could tell about nature, but just to say, I am in harmony with nature, certainly for the most part so what has been happening seems to have alien influence. 

  1. a deer jumped on my car.
  2. a baby deer got its head stuck under our back fence, and 10 black hawks quickly swooped in to peck its neck and back away.
  3. a male deer came up to my backyard and stood there snorting and stomping at me, making aggressive sounds and gestures towards me
  4. an infestation of barn swallow over the front door, where nest building battle went on for 3 months.
  5. those same birds dive-bombing Adelia and our gardener.
  6. found a bird dead on the front entry mat.

It feels especially like the birds are being extremely aggressive, and the deer and out of their minds doing crazy nonsensical life-threatening behaviors. So what has happened to nature in harmony? 

Both of the Q waves show up and are the cause of 40% of this aggressive non-God aligned behavior

H25 Q Wave, Q28 Q Wave. I test humans did not create this technology, but rather it came from the alien Reptilian. It is being projected cross-dimensionally from the earth in the 7th dimension. 

There is also a disruption frequency coming from the Reptilians as well. It too is coming through dimensionally again from the 7th dimension. H15 Disruption CD 7th frequency 

We are beginning to learn about how Ai can affect us, whether in our blueprint or completely outside of us. Birds too are being affected by AI and it appears Reptilian has created something for the birds to alter their behaviors.  E12 AI Reptilian biologic, seems to be a consciousness or a mind control AI, not actually in them or their blueprint but damaging their ‘moral’ structure’s. I am using words that apply to humans, understand this is not exactly the same in birds of course, but you get the idea. 

There are 7 interferences on the chart, the major issue at least for my bird challenge is snake. H25 Snake CD 3rd has aggressively taken over these birds and is driving these unnatural aggressive behaviors 

I have to ask myself why? Why would reptilian and snake (closely related by the way) want to harm nature? and why the birds? Is it another way for us to be separated from God?  In The Message, the CD I created with a Pakistani violinist right after 9-11 I use the word Subhanallah. This word means the experience of ‘the beauty of God in nature.  This concept is highly important in the Islamic tradition, on my Gratitude CD, done with a big influence from Ali Akbar Khan I sing sudhibidah ragghi, bisah ragie ajah, and on the verse goes. As explained to me it means, my God everywhere I look there you are, and I have in my busy life been blind to you, now my heart is open and my eyes are filled with tears. God created nature as Beauty. 

Not only must we help the plight of humans and angels but we must help nature and the natural world to return to God’s alignment and to once more thrive. 

Do you want to help?

I popped together a chart for the birds this week, you can access it here. 

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