There is a weird dynamic going on between media politicians and podcasters. It’s a battle, and both sides are losing. 

To deliberately lie, speak untruths and deceive are works of evil. They, the things spoken, are malefic in nature. So when you hear or read a straight-out lie, a normal response is anger and a refusal of no, please don’t lie to me.  I have seen Lucifer winning some by getting the side of truth-tellers to stoop low to the side of deception bringers, meeting deception with name-calling blame and anger.


Love is the only way off the wheel. Lucifer would love to keep us on. But, you may ask, how in the world can I love that which is directing evil towards me?


* Stay to facts and truth—no name-calling.

* Address the issues in a prayerful way. One way to pray is to ask God to awaken those who are propitiating deception, have them see what they are doing, and change their ways. At the same time, ask for them to have their power and funding diminish so that they can no longer harm others.

* Look for how you can address issues productively. Talking to folks who cannot make a difference serves no purpose other than spinning out. Lucifer loves low energy, spinning out complaining, blaming and staying upset, lowering your effectiveness, and giving power to low energies. When you are down and dirty, you are ineffective in your intention to shift.

* In the face of adversity, visualize the outcome you are seeking, focus on a strong positive outcome and use your faith.

* Ask the folks you listen to if they could omit the name-calling and empower the path of truth in a peaceful way. Be neither righteous and holier than thou if you make the request. Instead, you might say you are better than that. Or I know your intentions are so good but calling someone stupid is combatant.  We want not just to win a battle; we intend to reestablish the love of God to all the peoples inhabiting this world. It cannot be done in a battle – EVER. It is not possible. An entire shift of approaches must bring about the transformation.