I was reading Proverb 12 today. It was a string of wise thoughts that weren’t necessarily all so apparent and easy to understand at first glance. But, I began to see a string of ideas that supported what I have been working on over the past few years.

17 He who speaks truth declares righteous, but false witness deceit

19 the truthful life shall establish forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment

20 deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy

I see this theme of what we speak, feel, and think it sets us for the power we experience in our lives and how far our reach will be, how long it will last. So I thought it was interesting the reference to words on the lips was said numerous times throughout the chapter.

Our 21-day Premier Accelerate Wealth program has an entire lesson on speaking the truth and how speaking the truth makes your word in the universe so much more powerful. That you actually gain the power of manifesting just by speaking the truth all the time. Thoughts are things; spoken words become a thought-form. Think about what the thought-forms are around you. How could you strengthen your speaking to align more and more with purity and truth?