As I have gone through the weeks we’ve had some good and not so great days in our home. We had just come off of 8 really spectacular days, followed by 5 naughty days. The naughty days can have a few elements that can be improved by beginning to work with your child’s energetic field. 

Calming and Correcting an over expanded aura

On a particularly stressful day where I was feeling basically overwhelmed by my daughters’ field and the volume of cords she had in me, I calmed myself, and began to help her imagine what was being asked of her. Honey, imagine you are in a balloon and it is very tight around your body. She loves balloons so this was an easy image to work with. First she said I don’t understand mommy. And I gave her the directions again and said it’s ok just cry to do it honey. The color of her balloon is a light blue which is the color of peace. I helped her and we have continued to do this each day with some results.

Cord reduction

Next I asked her to imagine she had put lots of garden hoses in mommy. She has been helping me water roses and our potted plants and is familiar with garden hoses. The hose color we use is green. Imagine pulling the garden hoses out of mommy. She did successfully pull half the cords out. 7 were left. I coached her to pull some more out and she gestured with her hands to pull them out being silly. In this process she did pull out 3 more. Now I can do this of course, but if she doesn’t learn what she is doing, this will be the way she lives into her future.

Pranic Breath

For a few weeks now, we are going to a deep slow breath. We are using this to get from over stimulation and naughty words to re centering and getting to calm. It is a slow deep breath together and a long whew or ahh letting it go, sometimes 3 or 4 times until spirit is back in body and she is in control of her overwhelm. 

Selective listening and Energy for what matters

Parents need to survive early childhood parenting. If you are extremely sensitive and nurturing you may find this an overwhelming time yourself, to meet all the demands and requests from your little one as they pour into you. I have taken a lovely step back from listening to every idea Adelia has. This is in conjunction with me stepping into 100% authority in our home.  We have a magnetic schedule up on the wall that says what is possible to happen during what time of day. Managing your energy can help children manage their energy. We are all imperfect. That is not the goal.  Do your best and be loving and also in charge. 

Polite Manners and Guidance

Children do not always mimic their parents. Adelia is particularly defiant, much related to her disability. I think you need to give extra attention at the right times, when they can hear you, to what is the successful way to navigate life. We were driving in the car, having had our sitter bail on us for finals week, Adelia shopped with me. We talked about talking about emotions as we drove into town. We had a 20-minute drive in which we explored 5 emotions that could come up during the time we were in the store, and how we might deal with them. Then we practiced what we spoke about in the store. It was pretty dicey at the end, and I did resort to getting her a troll’s mirror to hold as we went through the check-out line which is 100% when she loses control and is screaming and melting down. She actually did really well, and we got out of the store quickly. I did reward her with a sugar free popsicle. And I understand it took a lot for her to hold it together, and that definitely did deserve a reward. Adorably she has now told me we have to talk about emotions when we drive. I am all up for that!