It’s been just about 2 weeks since the disastrous pull out of Afghanistan.  It created a fresh memory trauma to trigger past times of bloodshed, terror, and violence, where it appears evil has taken hold.


Whether or not POTUS cares about the fate of our American and allied families and individuals there, I do have an indication that the rescue effort continues in secret. A connection I made 7 months ago with a former Navy Seal; he now runs a security service with some buddies. He called me yesterday and was being deployed to the middle east (unknown destination), and upon reflection, I believe he may be sent to assist in rescuing innocents. I told him I would pray for him, the success of his mission, and a safe return; he thanked me, saying it would mean the world to him for me to do that for him.


This feels so familiar. Although we are not meeting with Taliban forces on the ground face to face, we are in an active search and rescue mission.


I am reminded of this when we examine the ‘fall of angel.’ Do they willingly turn themselves into hideous creatures of evil? And as we saw in the category of Devils, they did not want what happened to them. They have become pawns of the dark forces, with Lucifer at the helm, and are worth saving.


I remember about a day or so ago, but likely more than a year back, when I rescued many archangels. Gabriel was with me, right by my side. When I was able to pull his dear friend and companion out of the purgatory of destroyed spirit to restored Archangel, Gabriel knelt down by his companion weeping, so long had this dear one been lost with the idea that it could not come back and now restored strongly back with the archangels heavenly home.


There have been so many rescues, pulling sacrificed babies out of purgatory, rebuilding and restoring countless angel elf and human along with our special friends from other realms and planets.  It feels like the work will never end, and still, every being we restore is worth saving.