Are you stressed beyond belief?

Realizing you are not as healthy as you might have thought, you have a wake up moment and declare “this is my time.” For example, time to put me first and foremost and if it’s not too late, give it a good effort to (a) get my weight in check, (b) get my nerves unscrambled and/or (c) my mind out of fuzz brain mode.

Sometimes this happens at the beginning of the year, around the time of New Year’s resolutions, but it is not the only time you might become aware of declining or struggling health issues.

When you get to this point, you have likely waited too long and you will have a longer journey back to health.

Quiz  to Identify the key factors for health break down

  1. Do you have a habit of pushing through even when your body needs rest?
  2. Do you skip breakfast or other meals to squeeze ‘it’ all in?
  3. Do you exercise too much or too little trying to make up for a life out of balance?
  4. Do you laugh often, or can’t remember when you had your last belly laugh?
  5. Do you regularly get 8 hours of restful sleep?
  6. Do you rely on coffee and energy drinks to get you through the afternoon?
  7. When was your last real vacation? Is your next vacation scheduled?
  8. Are you living with gratitude on the tip of your tongue or disappointment, frustration, or disillusionment?

Open your heart and allow love in....
Open your heart and allow love in….

Great health comes from a great mindset and excellent habits. Many writers have studied the habits of wealthy and successful people. Perhaps we should also be paying attention to the habits of vibrantly healthy, happy individuals.

The seeds to a 100% healthy life come from appreciation and gratitude at the core of our being laced with an awesome lifestyle including daily meditation, walks in nature, good eating habits, clean fresh drinking water and fun! If you love your vocation, you are indeed one of the fortunate ones. If you are struggling in work, decide to let go of the struggle and find your way to a vocation you love.

Let your “aha moments” be the fuel for new beginnings and positive changes that will provide the ground for a long and healthy vibrant life!