Are you symptomatic with brain issues? Having a sluggishness in your speech, a loss of momentum and concern you are losing your edge?

Trauma The first thing we need to take a look at is trauma. Have you been shocked and startled initially by the change in your life and your freedom? Have the changes in your comings and goings, perhaps military presence or police presence jangled your nervous system? Does any news report heighten your deep concern about your health and future life? Are you worried about how you will make your finances work out, how you will feed your family in the future if things do not turn around? Trauma is very real, is typically triggered for a present time event, that is reminiscent of a past event in this life or past life that brings you into a high alert state. I personally feel almost energetically like I’m holding my breath, I have been just waiting to get back to normal. Perhaps you have to, It’s time to exhale. Set up life now to work well for what is going on and get to what is important. Remember in high alert we are typically using just the reptilian and emotional brain. We want to get back to accessing our higher brains, and take ourselves out of the sympathetic flight of fight systems. 

Chemtrails although there was a halt for about 4 weeks with this they are back now fast and furious and more toxic than ever for our brains. Chemtrails are pouring aluminum in the air, aluminum causes dementia and poor brain function. Keeping your systems clean,using some supplements for daily detoxification especially algies can be helpful. You can also refer to the class we did on detoxifying the body using quantum technologies.

Frequencies We just did in our mastery program a transmissions and frequencies clearing, these special clearings are focused on neutralizing and repelling the toxic and harmful effects of the energies being broadcast towards you. What’s so important to understand is we are not just an island unto ourselves, we are functioning in a toxic environment, our brain and body are doing their very best to ward off these intrusive lowering or controlling energies. Keep your meditation practice up, and do the clearings offered in your training’s, these all will help tremendously!

Light of cell Across the board light of cell and light of spirit are being lowered this is related to the field of revitalization and genesis.  We are in our classes addressing how to neutralize and dissipate the contributing factors to your blueprints’ reduced light. One of the tools we’ve been using is the great innovation with light of God coming through the chakra channels and out as well as light moving up through the kundalini track, which has been wonderfully effective in continuing to brighten the body.

Neurotransmitter effectiveness is at about a 30% effectiveness function across the board with adults, children more like 50%. If your brain isn’t working as well as it typically does there is good reason for it. We are in our energize program doing our yearly brain revitalization in 5 weeks. This will be such and important activation for all of us to reset and restore our great brain health and function!

We need to feel safe, optimistic and hopeful for our brain and body to give us a long term good result. Fall in love with your life right now. Being at home may give you a chance to do gardening, work on special creative projects of music. Hike, sing, connect with God in prayer, chant, meditate and love your life as it is right now. We do not know when things are going to change or what life will be like in the future, so we must build and live in our garden of Eden on an inner landscape and in our outer life now. 

No matter what I will live into this day as my best day yet.