For months now we’ve been inundated with wave transmissions and frequencies. On top of that control projection energy transference, misinformation especially from the media, and negative prophecy. If your life hasn’t changed much in the past year, you likely were not an active participant in your daily life, for most though the lockdown, pandemic and political scene seem to have brought a whole new set of repressive dictates altering our ability to come and go in a natural way. 

I’d like to challenge you to work on your repel field. You may wonder, well what is this repel field and how can I strengthen it? 

Your repel field is part of your interactive fields and plays a role in how easily you are able to have negative ideas and energies, actually even health issues, bounce off of you or be absorbed. 

This is what we know so far about the interacting fields in the most simplistic way:

As I look at the Repel Barrier, I see that it functions through the Quantum Field. The way I know to improve the performance of this field is to use platter and pump up it’s function to 100%. In each area of the body, and each area of the blueprint, you can individually work to improve this. On average it is set extremely low at about 4% function. 

In recent classes we have worked on creating a repelling mechanism on the outside edge of the aura. You can do this each time in mediation by imaging deep purple and cobalt blue, making this final repel layer to the aura about 12 inches deep. This is not, however, of the repel barrier…it is a wonderful quantum tool/mechanism you can create to be less affected by the bombardment of outside energies not supportive of your dynamic energy. 

When the Repel Barrier is at its best, it functions like a fortified immune system to the entire experience of being incarnated! 

We had some low settings that left us susceptible to unwanted influences. Now we are taking charge and resetting our sovereign right of being in charge of what will influence us today and in the future.